Oh snap! Have you realized that Valentine’s Day is only a day away? I get it, for some it’s the most hated time of the year and for others is the best time of the year. I say, look at it this way, if you (excuse my incorrect grammar usage) ain’t got bae this year—it’s totally okay! On the bright side, you got one less problem and a bad bae ain’t one of them. Now, now . . . that does not mean that I’m “hatin” on my fellow friends who have a special somebody, if anything, I admire their selflessness to share their lives with someone they care for. If you are still feelin’ under the weather about being “alone” on Valentines—well, I got one thing to say to you “Get. Over. It.” because you are not the first nor the last one. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself (which is a waste of time) do something productive such as: have a get together with friends, plan out a dinner party, dance the night away or just “do you.” Spoil yourself dammit! First of all, you deserve to love yourself indefinitely and realize that you matter. Take some time out of your busy schedule to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

Now enough with all the mushiness, in honor of the upcoming “hearts” day, I decided to prepare a two-day Valentine’s special. I interviewed some guys and got the inside scoop on who their special someone is to their views on girls asking a guy out.

And for my peeps out there, who already have a special someone this Valentines, I didn’t forget about you guys. I got some advice about the secret behind keeping your relationship going strong from my favorite couples.

Tarik Thomas | Major: Rehabilitation Sciences | Age: 21

AgeeMac: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

Tarik Thomas: I would have to say Irina Shayk because she bad.

AM: If you had millions of dollars, what would you give your special someone?

TT: For my special someone, I was thinking my mom, I would probably get her a car.

AM: If there was a movie about your life, what celebrity would play your role?

TT: Ryan Gosling! Because we have the same body built.

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

TT: Artistic, Bad and Athletic.

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out? Do you dig it or nah?

TT: I dig it! I think it’s amazing because she knows what she wants.

AM: Where do you see yourself in five years?

TT: I see myself helping out the All-Star player on the sideline of my favorite sports team.

TJ Vaughn | Major: Theater Performance | Age: 20


AM: What do you like to do in your free time?

TJ Vaughn: I like to dance, rehearse for auditions, get work done and watch movies. I like to learn and explore the city too. I do all sorts of things.

AM: If there was a movie about your life, what celebrity would play your role?

TV: Honestly, it could be two people. First one is a friend of mines his name is Fuji and he’s more so of a musician and people think we are brothers. Second person I would say Bow Wow but with a wig.

AM: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

TV: Hmm, it would have to be Sandra Bullock because she’s such a talented actress and she’s beautiful.

AM: Where do you see yourself in five years? What are your goals and ambitions?

TV: I hope to see myself on screens and on sets of TV series and or movies. I hope to get my career started early. Maybe even a family, depending on where I am. I want to be able to play with my kids while I am young.

AM: What has been the corniest pickup line you have used to get a girl’s attention?

TV: Are you tired? . . . .because you have been running across my mind all day.  

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

TV: Intelligent, Fun and Sensitive.

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out? Do you dig it or nah?

TV: I love it! I don’t see anything wrong it and anybody who does is stupid. Times and traditions are changing. I respect women who do that because that’s different and I appreciate the effort.  

Alejandro Cruz | Major: Criminal Justice | Age: 23

AM: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

Alejandro Cruz: Currently I don’t have a significant other but it would probably be my sister or Mom since they are the most significant people in my life.

AM: If you had millions of dollars, what would you give your special someone?

AC: I would buy my mom a beautiful house and let her decorate it however she wanted it and just let her retired so she wouldn’t have to work anymore.

AM: What has been the most daring thing a girl has ever done to get your attention?

AC: One girl asked me out in front of my friends in high school and another girl brought me flowers at work. My friends made fun of me but I thought it was pretty cool because that showed that I actually meant something to someone.

AM: If there was a movie about your life, who would play your role?

AC: Cristiano Ronaldo because he’s a great soccer player.

AM: What has been your most memorable date experience?

AC: December 5th.

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out?

AC: I prefer the guy to take the initiative.

AM: Where do you see yourself in five years?

AC: I hope to graduate within five years and then I might join the military.  

AM: What do you like to do in your free time?

AC: I like to play soccer a lot and work out.

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

AC: Caring, Trustworthy and Faithful.

Luke Henke| Major: Biology | Age: 18

AM: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

Luke Henke: It would have to be Sofía Vergara because I love her accent.

AM: If you had millions of dollars, what would you give your special someone?

LK: A trip to Bora Bora.

AM: If there was a movie about your life, what celebrity would play your role?

LK: Leonardo DiCaprio because I feel like after watching his performance on The Wolf of Wall Street he just captures my soul.  

AM: Where do you see yourself in five years? 

LK: Depends on the track that I take. If I end up going to medical school, I will be in PA school in five years. If I don’t and I choose to go to a zoological field then hopefully I will be working with pandas in five years.

AM: What do you like to do in your free time?

LK: I enjoy hanging out with my fraternity brothers, photography, long walks on the beach and driving around finding nothing.

AM: What has been the corniest pickup line you have used to get a girl’s attention?

LK: You look beautiful tonight, would you like to dance? She said no.

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out? 

LK: I think it’s fine. I guess it depends on the situation if you guys are on a certain connection than the girl should be like, “hey we should hang out sometime”.

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

LK: Ethnic, Determined and Encouraging.

Linda Kang (Left) & Michael Tran (Right) | Major(s): Chemistry


AM: Do you guys ever get mad at each other, and if so, how do you come to an agreement?

Linda Kang: Yes, but we eventually say sorry to each other.

Michael Tran: All it takes is for one person to curve. 

AM: You guys have been together for some time now, what is your secret?

LK & MT: Communication and cuddle time. 

AM: What is your favorite thing about her/him?

MT: Her smile and her eyes.

LK: Yeah same here but I like his smile more. I can’t explain why—I just do. 

AM: How did you guys meet?

MT: We were in the same class in Physics over the summer. 

AM: To date, which date has been the most memorable?

MT: First time she took me to Mellow Mushroom.

LK: The first time we went downtown and he held my hand for the first time.

AM: Finish this sentence, you guys look forward to ____.

MT: Six kids!

LK: No! Two kids!

MT: I look forward to a great future between us two.


I hope you guys have enjoyed it!

Make sure to check back tomorrow to see what more surprises I have in stored for you. Feel free to comment below and let me now which guy was your favorite! 

X O X O,


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