It’s was here! I wish you all a very late Happy Valentines Day! Here is the second part of this Valentines Special that I promise I would have up soon. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the interviews as much as I enjoyed conducting them. I was glad that my interviewees were more than happy to share their stories with me and I hope their answers have put a smile on your face today. If you have missed the first set of interviews from this special here’s the link to the first part of “BE MINE ❤.”

Without further ado, I introduced you to . . .

Jesse Aguirre | Major: Graphic Design | Age: 24

AgeeMac: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

Jesse Aguirre: Honestly, I think this will sound weird but I would want to have dinner with Michelle Obama (of course with Barack’s permission). I admire her as the First Lady because she is very educated and went to the most prestigious universities. I don’t know, I would like to ask her what she thinks in regards to growing up as a minority and politics.  

AM: If you had millions of dollars, what would you give your special someone?

JA: The special someone would definitely have to be my mother. I would probably give her the business she has always wanted.

AM: If there was a movie about your life, what celebrity would play your role?

JA: I would want it to be Dave Franco because he is pretty hilarious. I’m a funny guy and I think he could play me.

AM: What has been your most memorable date experience?  

JA: Seeing The Killers at the Hard Rock Café. It was a very personal show and a super long set where they played hit after hit.

AM: What do you like to do in your free time?

JA: I like to play soccer, work on my artwork, take pictures and eat!

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out?

JA: I absolutely think it’s a cool thing and girls should do it more often.

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

JA: Ambitious, Adventurous and Exotic.

AM: Where do you see yourself in five years?

JA: I see myself working for a marketing company. If that doesn’t work out for me, I see myself being in a leadership role in whatever I’m involved in. Whether that is helping younger children and becoming a role model for the youth (preferably Hispanic).

Ernesto Estrada | Major: Business Economics | Age: 20


AM: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Ernesto Estrada: Owning my own business.

AM: What do you like to do in your free time?

EE: I like sports (soccer), reading and weight lifting.

AM: If there was a movie about your life, what celebrity would play your role?

EE: Jensen Ackles from Supernatural.

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out?

EE: I don’t see anything wrong with it.  

AM: If you had millions of dollars, what would you do?

EE: I would invest it.

AM: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

EE: It would be random and I wouldn’t choose. It would be something spontaneous and a surprise.

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

EE: Passionate, Loves-Herself and Balanced. 

Yair Muñoz | Major: Pre-Med Biology | Age: 21

AM: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Yair Muñoz: I’ve been thinking about that lately, five years ago I never pictured myself where I am today. Plans change and so I don’t plan ahead as much anymore.

AM: What do you like to do in your free time?

YM: I like to take long walks to the refrigerator, I like to read, write and listen to music.

AM: If you could have a Valentine’s Dinner with anyone, whom would you choose?

YM: Eva Longoria because she’s sexy.

AM: What has been the most daring thing a girl has ever done to get your attention?

YM: A girl wrote a song to me once. She performed it in front of a bunch of people and said it was for me.

AM: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out?

YM: Yes! Guys like girls with confidence and who feel secure about themselves.

AM: If you had millions of dollars, what would you give your special someone?

YM: I’ve always pictured a table centered on one of the square’s [ in Savannah] with the candles lit, a rose trail and someone playing the guitar in the background.

AM: Describe your perfect girlfriend using only three words.

YM: Determined, Caring and Soft-spoken.

Nicholas Carrasco (Right) | Major: Mechanical Engineer | Ryan Hague (Left) | Major: Early Childhood Education


AM: How did you guys meet?

Nicholas Carrasco: We were [dorm] neighbors and I remember looking at her door. I saw the names “Ryan & Tierra” and I thought to myself are these boys or girls. I saw her going into the room and I thought maybe she was going into her boyfriend’s room. Then, later I find out that she was Ryan and I was like, “Hey, I got a cute neighbor.”

AM: Do you guys ever get mad at each other, and if so, how do you come to an agreement?

NC: Yeah, there are times we have disagreements over stupid stuff. We’re both really strong head people, we like to be right and think that the other one is wrong.

Ryan Hague: How do we resolve it? I usually come up and say I’m sorry.

NC: Yeah or I’ll say something like get over it.

AM: You guys have been together for some time now, what is your secret?

RH: We were actually best friends for like 8 months and we knew we liked each other. I was the one who took the initiative to be like let’s do something. He was like, “I don’t have time but I do like you.”

NC: Then I asked her out.

RH: So, basically our whole relationship is based off of being honest and if you have a problem say it and if you don’t— good.

NC: Basically leaving no stone un-turned. So communication is key.

What is your favorite thing about her/him?

NC: I like how she’ll be very hyper, happy and energetic. That positive energy just comes off as very warming and loving. She makes me feel happy when I’m down.

RH: What I love most about him is how head strong he is with school and his future. When he wants to get something done, he gets it done. He motivates me to do my work and do the best I can do.

AM: Finish this sentence, you guys look forward to ____.

NC: Us keeping in touch after I go to Tech.

RH: Summer because that will test if our relationship will strengthen or weakened because we won’t be able to see each other as much.  

And that’s a wrap!

X O X O,



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