Quick Insights: Life Goals

“My goal is to motivate, inspire, and challenge the status quo. In the end, I want to give back to my community and help children who look like me achieve their goals and strive for greatness in their respective field of interest.” XOXO, Agee

Six Years

Six Years. It’s been six years since I have lost my mother to a rare neurological disease. Some days are easier than others. However, the silver lining to this story is that although she may no longer be here with me that does not mean that I cannot celebrate the legacy that she left behind….

Graduate Classroom Edition: Prepare Your Own TED Talk

Walks to the podium in the center of the classroom. Takes a deep breath. Stands straight and looks up directly at the audience. She counts to three inside her head, “one . . . two . . . three” and begins . I have been replaying this very moment in my head for some time…

Don’t Give Up

Don’t. Give. Up. Yes, it’s hard out here. But that doesn’t mean it’s not attainable. It will take some hard work and dedication. I’m talking to you…to the individual who says, “I knew getting an education was not for me because I wasn’t cut out for it.” Oh really? Well, you should reflect on what…

In Her Element: Brindaly Ramos

Since our community college days, this young lady has become my confidant and someone I can go to when I need a second opinion. She is definitely a strong woman who is not afraid to stand for herself. She has made it her mission to break from the norm and pursue a career in the science…

Animal Lover: Lupe Machuca

Hello World! I’ve been wanting to do this for some time now but my schedule has been crazy. Yes, I am that crazy that I decided to write this at 5 am because I just needed to go ahead and start the momentum of this long-overdue project that has been on my mind for so…

8 Things 2015 Taught Me 

The year 2015 for me, brought on many great opportunities, great learning experiences, and lots of personal growth lessons; but, that does not mean that I didn’t shed a few tears here and there. Although it felt more like bad times than good, I somehow managed to survive the madness of it all. In addition,…

It’s The Little Things

Stress is never a good thing and we all face our own challenges. However, that does not mean that you can’t do anything about it. Here’s what I found to be the best remedy for a stressed out soul . . . Go out for a walk. Whether that is out to the park, beach,…

Be Not Afraid

Whoa! Can you believe it’s August already? I apologize for being MIA lately. I cannot begin to tell you how much change has occurred in such a small period of time. Then again, change is never a bad thing. Here’s a little preview to my shenanigans lately and the thoughts running through my head. I…

Reach For The Stars!

So . . . I’m guessing my decorated cap got you here? If it did, well I’m glad it did. Feel free to check out some of my other content and I hope you enjoy them. FINALLY! Can you believe it? It took me awhile but I did it! Yes, today is graduation day and I…


It’s was here! I wish you all a very late Happy Valentines Day! Here is the second part of this Valentines Special that I promise I would have up soon. I hope you all have enjoyed reading the interviews as much as I enjoyed conducting them. I was glad that my interviewees were more than happy to…


Oh snap! Have you realized that Valentine’s Day is only a day away? I get it, for some it’s the most hated time of the year and for others is the best time of the year. I say, look at it this way, if you (excuse my incorrect grammar usage) ain’t got bae this year—it’s totally…